Monday, April 13, 2009

Worked on getting the RC board to communicate with Arduino. Deductive logic did not work at its best here. I managed to switch a couple of LEDs on and off using the remote control; but the input from the board seems to 'change' after a while. I guess it has to do with the Italian and the Chinese ideology which went behind making the circuits.
Anyways I am determined to make them talk to each other despite of their cultural differences.
Will keep a note of latest happenings on that front here.


fulcrum said...

interesting.. did the chinese and italians get along finally?
i'd be extremely interested in the result, especially if i can use it for my own long suffering model airplane project.. :P

Ghate said...

They did speak with each other, but with some weird bugs. It seems that the chinese make resets itself from the pulse rate/communication channel every 8-10 seconds. I need to find a way to bypass this shift. It will work out, I need more time with it :(

Sushrut said...

i am also intrested in knowing whether the 2 talk , it will be really cool to see the results , i want to use it for my "uber-soldat" project